Some July Seventeenth (2012)

(to the tune of Somewhere Over The Rainbow)

Some July seventeenth
when pigs fly
we'll see patches of yellow
scattered across the sky.

Some f over the reals
f of x plus f of y
is f-of-x plus y.

Someday I'll find another g
besides f of t is k t or zer-o
and then I will compose the two
and get solutions that are new
they'll appear-o.

Some groups they are abelian
they commute
but some have commutators
whose actions are not moot.

The action on the complex plane
by matrices is so in-sanely dum-ber
than even that of conjugation
whose equivalence relation pairs the num-bers.

Some July seventeenth
when pigs fly
we'll see patches of yellow
scattered across the sky.